Odisha (28) and West Bengal (5) for prepositioning.“These ships are embarked with additional divers, doctors, inflatable rubber boats and relief material that include food, tentage, clothes, medicines, blankets, in quantities sufficient. A team NDRF comprises about 45 personnel. Sinha, the central government has already released advance financial assistance of `1,086 crore to Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal to assist them in undertaking preventive and relief measures.
A team NDRF comprises about 45 personnel.Indian Naval ships at Visakhapatnam and Chennai are standing-by to proceed to the most affected areas to undertake Humanitarian Aid Distress Relief (HADR), evacuation, logistic support including providing medical aid, the Navy said in a statement.The states have issued advisories and are ensuring that fishermen do not venture into the sea.The NDRF is deploying 41 teams in Andhra Pradesh (8), Odisha (28) and West Bengal (5) for prepositioning.The National Crisis Management
Automobile Tubing Manufacturers Committee (NCMC), the country’s top body to deal with emergency situations, met here Tuesday for the second time in as many days and reviewed the preparedness with the states and departments concerned of the central government to deal with the situation arising out of the cyclonic storm.
The Indian Army and the Indian Air Force units in Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal have also been put on standby,” a home ministry official said..In addition, the NDRF is keeping on standby 13 teams in West Bengal and 10 in Andhra Pradesh, the official said. Naval aircraft are also standing-by at the Naval Air Stations INS Rajali at Arakkonam, Tamilnadu and INS Dega at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh to undertake reconnaissance, rescue, casualty evacuation and air drop of relief material to the stranded if required,” the Navy said.A home ministry statement said based on the decision of the first meeting of the NCMC, headed by Cabinet secretary P.The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has been issuing three hourly bulletins with latest forecast to all the states concerned.
“The Indian Coast Guard and the Indian Navy have deployed ships and helicopters for relief and rescue operations. New Delhi: Navy and Coast Guard ships and helicopters, relief teams of the National Disaster Response Force have been deployed in strategic locations, while Army and Air Force units have been put on standby as severe cyclonic storm ‘Fani’ is approaching towards India’s eastern coast, officials said Tuesday.K