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"These notifications are noteworthy and a major step towards strengthening Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) in the country. It added that self-declaration from an importer or authorised Automobile Tubing Factory Indian representative may be treated as sufficient evidence to process such clearances by the customs and central excise authorities.The order allowed ETA through self-declaration for commercial and finished products. This decision of DoT and WPC will definitely facilitate a timely and hassle free import process of sample devices for various testing and R&D purposes," COAI Director General Rajan Mathews said in a statement.

This category includes mobile phones, laptops, electronic notepads, smart watches, short range devices and accessories, microphones, speakers, headphones, earphones, printers, scanners, cameras, testing and measurement equipment.Mobile phone companies were required to take approvals for even sample devices which they showed to the public for announcing launches.Mobile phone companies were required to take approvals for even sample devices which they showed to the public for announcing launches. This decision of DoT and WPC will definitely facilitate a timely and hassle free import process of sample devices for various testing and R&D purposes.

Telecom industry body COAI Friday said the decision of DoT's spectrum wing WPC to exempt mobile devices and other equipment from pre-import approvals will make India an attractive destination for product launches."This will also help equipment manufacturers in timely launching of their new products in India, thereby making the Indian market more attractive to launch new devices," Mathews said.COAI now hopes that such reforms would continue and issues surrounding import of equipment would be resolved with scrapping of licence currently required for import of telecom equipment by licensed operators, he added.The Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) on February 26 waived the requirement for obtaining Equipment Type Approval (ETA) for tests, prototypes, samples and pre-launch units of wireless equipment operating in the licence exempted band in India


The Traditional Two Terms In Office

"The Communist Party of China Central Committee proposed to remove the expression that the President and Vice-President of the Peoples Republic of China'shall serve no more than two consecutive terms' from the country's Constitution," Xinhua said. Xi, 64, is currently required by the country's constitution to step down as president after two five-year terms. He began his second term as head of the party and military in October at the end of a once-every-five-years party congress. That is stacked with members chosen for their loyalty to the party, meaning the reform will not be blocked.The move is significant because if Wang does not retire, that could set a precedent for Xi to stay on in power after he completes the traditional two terms in office. The proposal also covers the vice president position.
Aged 69, Wang had reached the age at which top officials tend to retire. At some point Xi could be given a party position that also enables him to stay on as long as he likes. Nearing the end of his first term, Xi Jinping will be formally elected to a second at the annual meeting of China's largely rubber-stamp parliament opening on March 5.However, the role of party chief is more senior than that of president.China's ruling Communist Party on Sunday set the stage for President Xi Jinping to Rubber O-Ring stay in office indefinitely, with a proposal to remove a constitutional clause limiting presidential service to just two terms in office. But he has been chosen as a parliament delegate in 2018 and is likely to become vice president, sources with ties to the leadership and diplomats say.One of his closest political allies, former top graft buster Wang Qishan, stepped down from the party's Standing Committee - the seven-man body that runs China - in October. It said the proposal had been made by the party's Central Committee, the largest of its elite ruling bodies.Xi, 64, is currently required by the country's constitution to step down as president after two five-year terms.The announcement, carried by state news agency Xinhua, gave few details.
Constitutional reform needs to be approved by parliament.There has been persistent speculation that Xi wants to stay on in office past the customary two five-year terms.There is no limit on his tenure as the party and military chief, though a maximum 10-year term is the norm. Nearing the end of his first term, he will be formally elected to a second at the annual meeting of China's largely rubber-stamp parliament opening on March 5.The Central Committee also proposed inserting "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" into the constitution, Xinhua said in a separate report, referring to Xi's guiding political thought that is already in the arguably more important Communist Party constitution.